Traveling to Mohegan Sun
Parking: Mohegan Sun offers hassle-free parking with over 13,000 on-site guest parking spaces. The property features four self-park parking garages, with electric vehicle charging stations located in the Riverview and Indian Summer garages. Additionally, complimentary valet service is conveniently available 24 hours a day at the hotel entrance. Follow on-site signage for parking.
Uber Option: If you prefer to use Uber from Bradley Airport, the trip estimator starts at $70 and can fluctuate higher. WAI will provide a $40 voucher each way to offset the trip cost. To request a voucher, please email The voucher is exclusively for the dates of the show and with drop-off or pick-up at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville. Note that you should set your trip to "Mohegan Sun Hotel" in Uncasville, CT.
Flights: If you're coming by air, the two closest airports to Mohegan Sun are Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT (approx. 58 miles) and T.F. Green International Airport in Warwick, RI (approx 60 miles).
GPS Address: 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd, Uncasville, CT 06382

Wire Expo Operations Summit & Exhibits is held in Mohegan Sun's Sky Convention Center, which consists of the Sky Meeting Rooms and Uncas Ballroom.